Tuesday 3 July 2007

Uniform Health Hazard!

Another busy day in Endoscopy except today, I nearly punctured my lung. How? It's all courtesy of the new company the University are using to provide our uniforms.

I have recently ordered two new uniforms - dresses - due to the hot weather we were supposed to be having this season! They arrived yesterday and I decided to sport one of my new dresses on the Unit today. Problem is, whoever made it needs shooting as they clearly have no concept of what nursing entails. Not only would it be more practical as a tent (and it's a size 10!), but my pens keep falling out of the top pockets because they're so flipping large! Everytime I bent over slightly, the contents of my pocket fell out into a heap on the floor. Large pockets on the waist are fine, but not top pockets. My punctured lung almost occurred due to the largeness of these top pockets - my scissors ended up under my armpit and poking my side for the vast majority of the day. Ouch!

Another amusing moment of today was when one of our female patients started flirting with one of the doctors. He's a little, Greek man with a cheeky smile and a glint in his eye. One of this female patient's best chat-up lines was probably "well doctor, great things come in small packages..."

Eugh, please!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great blog....