Sunday, 6 January 2008

A New Year, A New NHS?

It's a new year! And what better way to welcome in 2008 than with - you've guessed it - another shuffle in the NHS!

While we're all still in the throws of recovering from the last major shuffle (Agenda for Change), Gordon Brown has seemingly decided that he would like a turn. Cue the NHS Constitution - an outline of the rights and responsibilites to be expected in healthcare. Not a bad idea, but when Gordon Brown warns of "a major shake-up", it just doesn't appear quite so simple...

Months of debates and reviews are set to ensue before the shake-up becomes a reality, but as Dr Michael Dixon (chairman of the NHS Alliance) stated, "To the average member of the public and patients and, frankly, doctor or nurse it doesn't mean much. It's just another big idea from on high."

Happy New Year!

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