- One patient asked for "Dr Gaylord", when they were actually due to see Dr Hayward.
- An elderly lady telephoned to find out if it would be suitable for her to come in. I asked her what the problem with her eyes was and she began, "well in 2004..." It was a long conversation!
- Whilst triaging a patient, he kept referring to me as "doctor" regardless of my uniform.
- And a very nice gentleman asked me out for a drink. He was blind.
That aside, we do also see some very sad cases, particularly of young people whose vision has become severely compromised due to simple accidents. I always find it difficult to triage young people, particularly if they're distressed. It certainly encourages you not to take your sight for granted.
We had a lovely 86 year old gentleman with us yesterday. He suffers from Parkinson's and had fallen over. He had a fantastic bruise on the left side of his face. Maxillo Facial sent him to us to ensure his eyes were ok before they got involved. I often find that elderly patients are stereotyped as "confused" all the time. While this gentleman would have been confused following such a bang to his head, it will generally wear off. He was on the ball when I had a cuppa with him - he told me about his adventures during WW2 as a Wellington navigator.
Another elderly lady was with us this week, a Polish lady who moved here after WW2. At 12 years old, she was taken to a ghetto in Germany. It was facinating learning about her life and understanding how different our world is today.
That's the luxury of being a student nurse - we have opportunities to sit down and talk to patients. I'll certainly miss that when I qualify, but aim to talk with patients as much as I can. All good for holistic care I reckon.
Good on you!!!! I share the idea to TALK with the patients not only take for granted that they are in a special way just because of there age, sex and so on... I´m now studing psycatri so i´m in the process to try to understand the patient in their world...it´s been working in theory but now we are going out to practie....
Dr Gaylord - Pissed myself at that.
I'm so immature - how the hell am I going to be a doctor this year.
Glad your having a good time on eye casualty. It seems to be that when you are at the sharp end of healthcare, it does sometimes attract the wierdos.
I got a call the other week on the ambulance (a 999 call here). Patient descbed themself's as being "Not very well". That was it!
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