Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Hurrah for Public Services

Yesterday I was very impressed with our local coppers who visited my appartment, laden with Smart Water and bags full of stickers, personal alarms and leaflets. Why?

Last month a delightful human being decided to break into my car. Nothing was stolen (clearly, the naughty vandal didn't have need for a notepad, Nissan cover-up paint or a can of 'Magicool'). The front door had been damaged, so the Police Forensics team came out and dusted for finger prints. They didn't find any, but made a right mess of my car in the process! I then received a courtesy phone call a few weeks later from the police and thought that would be the end of it. But yesterday two Community Officers came over just to check I was ok. How nice is that?

It was somewhat embarrassing that when they arrived, I was in my pyjamas on the sofa feeling sorry for myself watching nonsense on TV. I did find it rather amusing that when the police man took his hat off, it was obviously too tight as there was a red mark across his forehead!

Our public services don't receive enough recognition - the news only ever report from a negative perspective. So a big thank you to all those lovely coppers out there.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great work.