Sunday, 28 October 2007

The Beginning of the End

I'm now on a home-run - tomorrow my third and final year begins. Finally, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel!

This semester is focused on Trauma, Critical Care and Oncology. The timetable looks fantastic and I can't wait to get into it. Fingers crossed that my placement in January will be on the Burns Unit...

Rather than lots of unnecessary and irrelevant assignments, our learning this semester will be tested courtesy of two exams; a written one and an OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination). The OSCE will probably be the worst bit due to the sheer embarrassment of having to kneel over a plastic dummy shouting "can you hear me? Are you ok?" and then calling out "I need some help over here!". Talk about feeling daft!

That aside, it's exciting to think that this time next year I shall be a qualified RN. Christine Beasley's job is just getting closer and closer to within my reach... ;)

So, I'm now going to be a right swat and do a bit of reading before having a reasonably early night. Here's hoping for a great third year.


Anonymous said...

Hey elizabeth, just found your blog on technorati! Best of luck for your final year, the placements look ace - I'm v jealous!

Will keep reading.


Staff Nurse M said...

Ahh, third year. Nothing like it!

Good luck, hope that it all goes well for you!
Can you apply for your final year placements? I now at my uni, we could make three choice's for internship (our last placement where I am now).

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for your message!

Alas, we go where we're told - no choices! Shame really. I'm holding out for the Burns Unit, partly because it's an area I'm really interested in, and also because it's just up the road from my appartment!