Monday, 30 July 2007

Pressing On...

I'm now back at work following my week of leave. This week consists of two days of lectures, and three study days, so it's not quite a full working week!

I'm now working on a Care Delivery assignment, discussing a few elements of care relating to Endoscopy. It's actually quite tricky - if I was on a ward I could write about continence, wound care or bed-baths. I've had to be somewhat more thoughtful about this and have settled on sedation/pain relief and psychological support, two big care delivery issues for Endoscopy nurses.

So, I shall brew myself a lovely cup of decaffienated, organic, fair trade tea and enjoy it with a Mr Kipling chocolate slice whilst reading through the large pile of literature I've collected. I'm pleased to say that currently, I feel inspired and empowered in my nurse education. Long may it continue.

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