Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Oesophageal Manometry

I think it's safe to say that Endoscopy nursing is not my forte. Yesterday one of my sole achievements was the removal of a particularly large moth from the recovery area - twice - admid screaming nurses. An interesting use of ten mintues, and rather a shame I didn't have my camera handy.

However, I was able to spend the morning with the Clinical Nurse Specialist, assisting her with Oesophageal Manometry tests. It was quite interesting; pulling tubes slowly out of patient's stomachs and through their noses to measure the pressure of the lower oesophageal sphincter. These patients had symptoms such as heartburn, indigestion and dysphagia.

A little 92 year old lady was referred for the test, which we felt a little unfair as it isn't a nice procedure to have. But she was wonderful - a very complient patient who just got on with it. In comparison, we had a thirty-something male patient who, when we attempted to insert the tube through his nose and into his oesophegus, kept shouting "NO! NO!" and kicked his legs about. As you can imagine, our appointment with him was rather a long one...

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