Sunday, 17 February 2008

Exciting Times Ahead

I am happy to report that my OSCE went rather well. I landed the patient with an asthma attack, and felt I managed it quite efficiently. The only thing I unfortunately did not do, was check for any contraindications before putting the patient on oxygen. So that's 1/2 a mark off. I think it's safe to assume I achieved the 12/20 needed to pass. Glad it's over with!

And on the subject of good news, my paper on dementia and pre-registration education has been accepted by the University and I shall be presenting it to the School of Nursing in June. I received a form today asking me lots of questions such as my qualifications (at last! Something to indicate my BTh status!), learning outcomes for my presentation, and a short biography. Thankgoodness they don't want a picture too...

I have been extremely fortunate to receive the support of Linda Nazarko, an independent nurse consultant who has spent 33 years working with older people, particularly in nursing homes. She has written and published many pieces of work, regularly contributes to popular nursing journals, is an RCN fellow and has also received an OBE. It's such a blessing to be given such a high level of encouragement and support. Mentors and lecturers at University can appear at times to have lost the 'spark' they once had for the job, and become a little disillusioned. It's so encouraging that after 33 years in the NHS, one can still be passionate and excited about nursing. So this could all be the start of a piece of my work being published, which Linda has also offered her help with.

Amazing! I'm obviously jolly excited and rather than go to bed and get some kip before my 12 hour shift tomorrow, I'd like to complete my paper. All in good time...


Anonymous said...

I am in the process of writing a new book with a page on:
Do nurses work too long a shift.

Please visit my website, or email

northern nurse said...

Hey! Just found your blog, looks interesting! I'm also a student nurse, working (as the name suggests) oop north!

Well done on the paper and the OSCE - I've had a couple of papers published as a student but I've never presented one, so good luck with that!

Incidentally, what contraindications are there for oxygen in an acute setting? Is this the old COPD chestnut again?